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Lara Freidenfelds (Admin)
Apr 15, 2016
Enforcing Death Rituals after Miscarriage is Just Plain Cruel
The Indiana legislature claims it wants to protect unborn children and their parents. Last week Governor Mike Pence gave his blessing to...
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Lara Freidenfelds (Admin)
Apr 7, 2015
“Cherish Every Moment” of Parenting?
“Cherish every moment! It goes by so fast.” A well-meaning stranger admired my teeny tiny 3-week-old son, as we searched for baby wipes...
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Lara Freidenfelds (Admin)
Jul 23, 2014
If You’re Not My Kid, Please Don’t Call Me “Mom”
The dentist peered in my child’s mouth, then turned to me. “Hey, Mom, you did a good job, no cavities!” I brought my kids for a check-up...
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Lara Freidenfelds (Admin)
May 28, 2014
Are We Having Fun Yet? Jennifer Senior’s Smart, Historically-Informed Take on Modern Parenting
In All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenting, Jennifer Senior asks why American middle-class parents so often find parenting...
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